Why Encryption is Backbone of Data Security ?

Hey Everyone Its Looper Back Again. When I was studying the Cryptography Subject in my 6 Semester. I always Wonder Why Encryption is so important All these mathematics work and all these cipher these are just waste of time and resources. But when Time Passes through I realize its the backbone of Information Security. Because In modern age Its not about Money Anymore. Companies are worry about Data and Information Every Information is Important . Every Data leads to Information a useful information. Also Now a days its time of Data Science or Big data. So When Data is involved Security has to be ensured

We also See a app called Whats App has message over the past year it shows "Messages you send to this chat are secured with end-to-end encryption."
How many of us have actually taken the time to pause and wonder why its that important?

In this Era of big data, companies collect many types of valuable data than ever before. Now A days data management must have Good security measures, To ensure compliance with new regulations regarding privacy sensitive data also to protect valuable intellectual property.

We have four primary things in Information Security Basically we have four but now days Access Control is often added to it. All of the four are:

Data confidentiality ensures that information can not be obtained by an unauthorized or bad party, either inside or outside the Company

Data integrity rely on preventing other parties from tampering with or corrupting data.

Availability ensures that all who should have access to data that they need

Access control Its mean who has access to what. Company efforts to constantly and effectively manage, enforce, and update rules of data access.

Encryption answer all of these crucial aspects of data protection

So This made me to think that Encryption is bad bone of Data Security also its shows Encryption a significant leg up over alternative privacy protection strategies such as Authentication and Authorization.And its also defend from 
De-identification is the process used to prevent someone's personal identity from being connected with other identifying information. For example, data produced during clinical trials can be de-identified to maintain the privacy of Client.

